The Drombeg Stone Circle, also known as the Druid’s Altar, is located near Glandore, County Cork in Ireland. Protected under the National Monuments Act, it is one of the most visited Megalithic sites in Ireland and measures around 31ft in diameter. Originally it would have consisted of 17 stones, but today only 13 survive. Oriented in the direction of the Midwinter Solstice sunset, a recumbent stone is the focal point in which two oval cup marks are carved and 40m west of the monument are the remains of two conjoined stone huts, one of which would have had a timber roof.
The site was excavated and restored in 1957, during which time a pot was discovered buried at the centre of the circle. Contained in this pot were a young adolescent’s cremated remains wrapped in a thick cloth and surrounding the pot were a number of artefacts including a sweepings from a pyre.
As with all recumbent stone circles, Fulacht Fiadh and similar monuments there are many theories as to their purpose. With the ancient history of Ireland, however, it is without doubt a very special place.
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