Spirit Inspired Writing – ‘That Special Lady’ – Poem by Stan Thomas – Part 3

That Special Lady – Part 3

It was that devastating Alzheimer’s that consumed my dear wife, 7 long, long years did it.
That Special Lady fought it, but it won bit by bit.

It took away our love, recognition, her speech, her movement, her life.
That Special Lady was existing in torment and strife.

To be unwell for some 7 year hence,
That Special Lady I was privileged to look after there was no pretence.

To every day to wash, feed and treat her many ills,
That Special Lady trusted me so, to look after her, so tender, so lovingly, I learnt these skills.

Her beautiful body, so racked with pain, I tried my best to make her comfortable and at ease,
That Special Lady, my June, the look in her eyes, told me, she loved, her hand to squeeze.

Day in, day out, she never once complained that living was too much,
That Special Lady, would just look at me and smile, as gentle as touch.

I often felt that we would both like to leave this earthly plane for good,
That Special Lady, I loved so, to see her every day getting worse, I did all I could.

It would be a pleasant relief, to both end it all, there seemed no sense to all this pain,
That Special Lady, my June, the love of my life, it must have been an awful strain.

To see her deteriorate in front of my eyes, was all my body and mind could take,
That Special Lady, could only smile, when she saw sadness in my eyes was no fake.

A new day would dawn, perhaps a cure was in sight, be it so brief,
For That Special Lady, an end, a gentle end for that so gentle lady, would get relief.

And so it came, on the 18th March 2014 my wife passed to Heaven wrapped in my arms,
That Special Lady did it in style, using all her charms.

Being cuddled, puckering her lips, for one last kiss, opening her eyes, she smiled at me, stopped breathing, she was gone,
That Special Lady, showed that passing away could be beautiful for all to see, was not wrong.

I have got through the worst for all to see, but my home is so empty, my life is so bare, it still hurts so very much,
That Special Lady, my wife, my June, the love of my life, no more to touch.

How do you get over such a gigantic loss of one so dear,
That Special Lady, did it in style, which made it so clear.

That life goes on, no matter what or how,
She would look, just smile, she knew best
That Special Lady….WOW!

And to all you here who have lost a Special One,
You will be sure to find, some solace from your grief.
Your Special One is near, to comfort you,

God Bless

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