Category Articles

The Power of Dreams

Everyone dreams.  According to research everyone dreams every night, it’s part of the sleep cycle.  However, we don’t always remember them. Sometimes when we first wake up, we can remember parts of dreams, but often they fade quickly from conscious…

Developing Psychic Awareness

Psychic ability is a part of everyone’s birth right. It is one of the senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, smell.  (Psychic means using your mind in a particular way that allows you to become aware of changes in atmosphere,…

Spirit Communication

Many people who have sat in the congregation at churches or audiences at centres or theatres, witnessing a demonstration given by a medium, will have wondered how the medium communicates with those from the spirit world.  Each medium will have…

What is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual Healing is a natural energy therapy that complements conventional medicine by treating the whole person – mind, body and spirit. Healers are thought to act as a conduit for healing energy, the benefits of which can be felt on…


The name Easter comes from the Anglo Saxon Name for April, the month that Easter traditionally falls within, which is Eostre Monath.  The meaning of that is “The month of openings” which of course relates to the season of Spring.…

Colours and Healing

Records show that people have been giving meaning to colours for thousands of years, using them for bodily healing and emotional upliftment and as indications of status or of belonging. Colours are formed from light being separated away from darkness…

Spirit Guides – fact or fantasy?

Most spiritualist organisations accept that spirit guides exist, but different organisations have different theories as to who these are and how they work. Some claim that there are many guides and they change throughout a person’s life time, according to…

2012 – The end or the beginning?

Some numerologists and astrologers have suggested that the world will end on 21st December 2012. They have based this on analysis of the formation of the planets in relation to the earth on this date, and also on various numerological…

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is all about finding what we focus our attention on.  It is logical that we attract to us what we look for, because our perceptual filters will be set towards those things we focus on.  In…