Category Articles

An Easter Crystal Reading.

An Easter crystal reading using the Crystal Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno. Easter is a time for new beginnings, new opportunities and letting go of the past and negativity; these crystals can help.   Amber – purification. When a tension…

The Power of Colour

The Power of Colour Throughout history colour was given much credit for its effect on both the human body and for uplifting our spirit and feelings. In recent times studies have been carried out and shown that colour does indeed…

Festive Positivity

Incredibly, it’s that time of year again. December is upon us, and with it comes one of the most joyous and simultaneously the most stressful celebrations; Christmas. It’s a wonderful opportunity to see friends and family, lavish attention on those…

The Crystal Ball

The Crystal Ball Mediums have long used the crystal ball, it is probably the tool most recognised and associated with spiritual mediumship. The act of ‘seeing’ things – past, present or future, is termed ‘scrying’. The use of a crystal…

Dream or Spirit?

As we settle down to sleep our 5 senses slow down, this allows our 6th sense to gleam! Spirit can get closer to us when this happens. Our sub-conscious mind has slowed down which means that we are more ‘open’…

Why Meditate?

It is often stated that meditation is an important part of spiritual and personal development. However, some people believe it is a waste of time. Ironically, sitting quietly trying to limit your thoughts to one thing can seem like a…

Using Tarot Cards for Spiritual Readings

There are a wide variety of Tarot cards available today. Probably the first, and possibly most well recognised is the Rider Waite set illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith, first published in 1910. This set contains 78 cards, each illustrated with…

Problem Solving Method #1

An extract from “Psychic Development For Beginners” by William W. Hewitt. Problem Solving Method #1   Close your eyes Go to your basic psychic level or to The Beach of Time Visualise the unwanted situation as it exists. Study all…