Category Philosophy

Dream or Spirit?

As we settle down to sleep our 5 senses slow down, this allows our 6th sense to gleam! Spirit can get closer to us when this happens. Our sub-conscious mind has slowed down which means that we are more ‘open’…

Elevation – Jonquille M Berry

Let the lillies of the field, Sponsored as they are by love, Provide a means of thought and deed That does not, by toil, concede or yield To what in man aspires to greed, But rather, as in their silent…

A Time for Celebration

The end of December marks a time of celebration for many cultures. The Solstice is recognised worldwide, and is marked by many. In the Northern Hemisphere it is the longest night of the year, and in the Southern Hemisphere it…

Human Connections

I’m sure that we have all felt frustration at other human beings from time to time. Sometimes other people are just no help, seem to have no compassion, or show no gratitude. I must confess that I have always struggled…

The rise of “Spiritual, but not Religious”

There are many people these days who feel they would fit into the category “Spiritual, but not Religious”. Where as in previous years being spiritual would automatically be linked to Spiritualism and therefore -by extension- religion, these days it is…


Many people get the definition of Karma wrong. It is not a like-for-like tid-for-tad thing, it’s more like a balance of terms. So you took the last parking space when a family was also looking for somewhere to park and…

The Cleansing Nature of Spring

After the tough winter we have had, it has been lovely to see some spring like weather appearing around our nation. Granted, not everywhere has been fortunate enough to avoid the showers for more than a few hours, but some…

Near Death Experiences

A Near Death Experience (NDE) may occur when someone is in a life threatening or near death situation.  Most often they occur when someone has a life threatening illness or during an operation, and often there will be a short…