Kings Heath National Spiritualist Church

5 Springfield Road,
Post Code
B14 7DT
Telehone Number
0121 274 9039
Website Address
Long Description

Sunday, Divine Service - 6.30 PM
Wednesday, Pranayama Yoga - 7.30 PM* 
Thursday, Open Circle with Ivan Walton - 7.30 PM* 
Friday, Open Circle with Amanda Honey - 12:00 PM*
Spiritual Healing - 14:00, Spiritual development circles are for sitters of all levels
Saturday, Spiritual Healing - 09.30 - 10:30 AM
Demonstration of Mediumship - 7.30 PM*
Last Monday of each month, Philosophy Discussion Group - 7.30PM*  Open to all to discuss the philosophy of  spiritualism.*Entrance Fees Apply

✅ VERIFIED via online sources, May 2024

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